
These scripts let you manage the api. It´s recommended to run these from the project root, e.g.

yarn workspace api start:dev  // or
yarn workspace api format

start: Starts the NestJS application.

start:dev: Starts the NestJS application in watch mode for development.

migrate:reset: Resets the database using Prisma Migrate.

prisma:studio: Opens Prisma Studio for exploring the database.

start:prod: Starts the compiled application from the dist directory.

prebuild: Removes the dist directory before building the application.

build: Builds the application using NestJS's build tool.

format: Formats the source and test files using Prettier.

lint: Lints the source, apps, libs, and test files using ESLint.

migrate:dev: Applies the database migrations for development using Prisma Migrate.

migrate:dev:create: Creates a new migration without applying it using Prisma Migrate.

migrate:deploy: Deploys the database migrations using Prisma Migrate.

migrate:status: Checks the status of the database migrations using Prisma Migrate.

prisma:generate: Generates Prisma Client.

prisma:generate:watch: Watches for changes and generates Prisma Client.

test:e2e: Runs end-to-end tests using Jest.

seed: Seeds the database using Prisma's seeding functionality.

postinstall: Generates Prisma Client after installing the npm packages.

Last updated